NeuView Glasses have added a powerful, new healing dimension to my practice – they are invaluable.
NeuView Glasses are both practical and versatile allowing me creative opportunities to invent new ways to use them.
My clients love NeuView Glasses and have bought them for self use.
—David Grand, PhD
Psychotherapist, Trainer and Author: Brainspotting
NeuView Glasses offer incredibly swift, profound and lasting effects for a variety of clinical disorders – including trauma. They easily integrate with most therapeutic modalities and are a client friendly, powerful tool.
—Victoria Britt, LCSW, LMFT
Psychotherapist, Trainer & Co-Author: Evolving Thought Field Therapy
I am so pleased to have NeuView glasses to offer my patients. I find the glasses provide a gentle, effective way to clarify, and work through issues that may have been stuck or unclear. In the process of going from one side of the glasses to the other, I’ve seen the energy and distress around highly-charged issues transform into a new perspective and response.
The glasses support an integration between two different points of view, Leading to a present-day, mastery-based perspective and response.
—Nancy Napier. LMF
Psychotherapist, Trainer and Author: Recreating Your Self
I am a holistic practitioner of several methods, and have been using and recommending NeuView glasses since early on.
Professionally, I have seen NeuView work in a variety of ways, and clients who purchase them benefit from greater ease, focus and clarity.
They are also able to transition out of resistance to change much more easily.
Personally, I keep a pair in my car, and find driving–especially on busy highways or when going to unfamiliar places–much less stressful.
—Dina Sara Levine
Holistic Practitioner
Certified Irlen Screener
Success Coaching
Congrats to NeuView! Although this may sound too good to be true, this product is based on neuroscience — and works!
—William “Bill” Donius
Business Innovation Consultant
and former CEO of Pulaski Bank.
I had the privilege of testing the specially designed NeuView Glasses. They not only showed an enhancement in golf putting but also increased “coherence in the brain.” Over 30 years of testing golf putting, this is the one finding (coherence) that persists among the best performers. This product has many uses beyond golf to help create balance in the brain.
Chair, World Scientific Congress of Golf
Information on this site is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information herein for the purpose of diagnosing or treating any health problem or disease. If you have, or suspect that you have, a health problem promptly contact your health provider. The information provided on the site has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.